
The Lion King: Through Her Eyes Ch 2

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Pride Rock and Simba's Birth

I looked at Pride Rock and said, "This place is beautiful." I looked to see a bunch of lionesses out on the rock and saw them looking over. I felt my ears twitch and heard some of them murmur, "What's a leopard doing here? Where did she come from? How did she get here? Her eyes look different than the others. She looks pretty with blue eyes and black fur."

I saw a mandrill with some kind of stick walking over from the giant mountain; I knew who the mandrill was and it was none other than Rafiki. He walked over towards us and smiled, "Ah, Mufasa! Good to see you that you have returned safely." Mufasa welcomed the monkey with a sort of hug as he wrapped his paw around Rafiki's back saying, "Good to see you again, old friend. How is Sarabi?"

"The queen is healthy and happy as always," Rafiki answered. He looks at me and circles around me with curiosity. Rafiki said, "Who is this, Mufasa? A new friend? Hmm, she seems a little odd with her posture." Rafiki placed a hand on my head, then I winced a bit from the bruise I had earlier. I said, "Careful, it's still tender." Rafiki looks at me and asks, "What happened?"

I didn't want to go into full detail and say that I was human before, but said, "Hyenas tried to get me, I ran as fast as I could, and I fell down a hill before I hit my head against a rock. When I came to, Mufasa threatened the same hyenas and they left before you could try to say 'supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.'"

The three looked at me with raised brows and I said, "Just a word I know."

Rafiki nods and says, "She doesn't appear to be a threat at all."

I smiled a bit and before I could ask a question, a lioness ran towards us with a worried expression on her face. Mufasa looked at her and asked, "What is it, Sarafina?" She answers, "It's Sarabi. I think it's time." I went after the two towards Pride Rock, climbed up some rocks to get to the foundation, and headed inside what seemed to be a den. I looked to see a lioness on her side and breathing hard.

Mufasa got towards the female's side and nuzzled her face saying, "It's alright, Sarabi. I'm here." Sarabi panted and looked at me. She asked, "Who's this? Where did she come from?" Mufasa said, "I found her before the hyenas tried to kill her. She doesn't have anywhere to stay." I looked at the two, then Sarabi winced in pain as she gave a small smile and asked me, "What is your name?"

I said, "Victoria. Pleased to meet you."

Sarabi nods, then she groans in pain. I looked around a little worried as two more females came towards Sarabi. Mufasa began to walk out of the cave, then I said, "Wait, where are you going?" Mufasa looked over his shoulder and said, "I'll be back after the cub is born. Keep an eye on the both of them." After Mufasa was out of sight, I couldn't believe that I was going to be seeing a lioness in labor.

I looked below Sarabi's tail and could see her being dilated. Sarabi said as she was in pain, "How much longer?"

I answered, "Soon. Just keep breathing and start pushing, okay?"

Sarabi began to push and blood began to come out of her, along with water. I looked to see something wet and round come out, then I said, "Okay, you're almost there! I see the head!" The two lionesses looked in shock, then Sarabi began to worry. She stopped pushing and said, "I can't do it! It's too soon!" One lioness, named Imani, said, "Don't stop, Sarabi. I know you can do it."

The second lioness, Aisha, said, "You're strong. You can make it."

I said, "Your Majesty, don't give up. You're doing great before. Just one more push and it'll be over."

Sarabi began to push with all the strength she could muster, then a baby lion all wet came out and let out a squeal. I looked at the cub and began to place the cub next to his mother, then Sarabi licked him clean. I smiled, "It's a boy." Sarabi finished licking the cub clean and looked at me. She smiled, "Thank you, Victoria." I nodded and replied, "You're welcome. I'll get Mufasa."

I ran out of the cave and I couldn't believe what just happened; I helped a lioness give birth to a cub! I looked to see Mufasa sitting near the edge of the rock and came beside him. I looked to see the sun setting and it looked beautiful with the sky being red, orange, yellow, and pink. Mufasa looked at me and asked, "How is she?"

I said, "Mother and baby are doing fine. You have a little prince."

Mufasa looks at me surprised and whispers, "A son? I have a son..."

We got inside the cave and looked to see Sarabi with her cub while the little one was still suckling for milk. The cub stopped and coughed a bit on the milk, then a bubble came out of his mouth and popped. I held back a giggle at how cute this was, then Mufasa nuzzled Sarabi and looked at the cub. He said, "He's perfect." Mufasa looks at the cub and gives the little one a loving lick on his head, then smiles, "Simba."

Sarabi said, "That's a good name for our son."

I smiled, "It fits him."

I look to see the cub trying to walk, but is a little shaky and his eyes aren't opened. I got down to the ground and said, "Hey, Simba." The baby lion reached his tiny paw and touched my face, then I held back a little laugh when Simba rubbed up towards my face. Sarabi smiled, "He seems to like you as a sister." I looked to see Simba fall asleep and sighed, "Yeah, he's such a sweetie."

I gave a small sigh and thought about my family, then walked out of the cave sadly. I looked to see the sky already dark with the stars and the moon shining. I thought about how worried my parents might be about me being gone and looked to see Mufasa walk out of the cave. I looked to see him walk towards me and Mufasa said, "Thank you for helping Sarabi. Are you alright? You seem sad about something."

I shuffled my front paw and said, "I just really miss my family back home. They're far from where I am now. They'd be worried sick if I've been gone for too long and that I'm not human anymore. I know I sound crazy, but it's true."

Mufasa looked at me and said, "I know how you feel, but I know that they're still thinking about you every day. They're still in your heart."

I sighed, "I just wish I was with them, safe and sound."

I curled myself into a sleeping position and began to fall asleep, then Mufasa nuzzled me and said, "You should stay inside. It's safer there and you wouldn't want to freeze." I looked at him and asked, "Really?"

He nods, "It's the least I could do. I saved you from the hyenas, took you in, and everyone seemed to like you. You even helped my queen give birth to my first child." I got up and said, "Okay, thanks." I head inside the cave to see a bunch of the lionesses and some of their cubs asleep, then I follow Mufasa towards a space where Sarabi and Simba are fast asleep.

Mufasa laid next to his wife and son, then I laid next to him. I curled myself up to get comfortable and Mufasa said, "Good night, Victoria." I yawned and began to fall asleep, "Good night...Daddy."
Here's Chapter 2 of the story!

How was that so far? Looks like Victoria's accepted as a member of the pride, helped Sarabi give birth to Simba, and is looking up to Mufasa as a second father. :) I hope you guys like where this is going so far! I only own my OCs; the characters from the movie The Lion King and the movie itself belong to Disney respectively. Kind reviews and comments are accepted.

Next chapter:…

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MagicMovieNerd's avatar
Such a sweet chapter! <3